"Thank you for all those hours you spent organising a wonderful send-off for Charlene ... you went beyond any of our expectations ...... a job well done and very much appreciated."

George Strickland


Other Ceremonies:


Funerals can still be a celebration of someone's life, no matter the circumstances of their death, and a personal ceremony that uses words, music and readings can help to farewell a loved one in a memorable way.

I will work closely with you and listen carefully to your requests, then put together an appropriate service that represents a fitting 'goodbye" to your loved one.

Commitment ceremonies:

A commitment ceremony is an alternative to a wedding but is not legally binding under legislation. Couples usually chose a commitment ceremony to publically affirm their feelings for each other and their intention to be partners in life and love. People who might consider a commitment ceremony include same sex partners, or couples who don't wish to get legally married but still want to express their commitment to each other. This ceremony can be formal, informal, casual.... you name it! You can still include vows, readings, exchanging rings, music and any cultural traditions or symbols you may want.


People who don't have specific religious beliefs or don't want to baptise / christen their child sometimes select to have a "Naming Ceremony". This gives them the opportunity to invite a group of family and friends together and celebrate the arrival of their new baby or older child. Sometimes this occurs if a child is adopted (at any age). Godparents or mentors can be chosen and introduced as an important part of the child's life. Symbols such as candles, time capsules, photo board, album, or the planting of a tree can be meaningful. And there are some beautiful and relevant poems, music and readings available to provide colour and meaning to this ceremony. A certificate is presented to the family at the conclusion of the naming ceremony. (And yes – I am happy to wear fairy wings for the occasion!)

Renewal of vows:

(or "vowel renewal" as one celebrant who shall not be named calls it!)

Some people chose to renew or reaffirm their wedding vows, often at an important anniversary, birthday or event. This can be as simple or elaborate as you require. Some people virtually recreate their wedding! Others are happy to have a group of friends and family over for a bbq in the garden and say "I do" all over again. There are a variety of reasons to wish to reaffirm your wedding vows - but mostly it comes down to celebrating the growth and continuity of your relationship as a couple, with people who may or may not have been there when you married originally.

Memorial services:

(Or a "Celebration of Life Service")

A memorial service can be a variety of things - a way to celebrate and remember a loved one who has died, a non-religious funeral, on the occasion of the scattering of ashes, or a ceremony held on the anniversary of a death. Memorial services can include music, readings and symbols. Children and family can be involved. A eulogy can be written and spoken. In some instances, memorial services include the wishes of the deceased loved one (sometimes they are involved in the pre-planning as well).



"Funerals are important rituals. They don’t just recognize that a life has ended; they recognize that a life was lived.”

From the film "Love Happens"


"I love that you get cold when it's seventy degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes, and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night."

Film Quote: “When Harry Met Sally”


Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell, the name will carry.  ~ Bill Cosby